History School Trips

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Want to bring history to life for your students and gain inspiration for your history lessons? Why not arrange a school history trip abroad?

Ofsted have advised that ‘The most effective departments in secondary schools used enrichment activities regularly to support students’ learning’. And trips to Berlin and the WW1 battlefields were named as key features.

Your history school trip will be tailor made to meet your specific requirements and learning objectives.

Read more about History trips for schools

History school trips in the UK

There’s plenty of history to discover right here in the UK! Head to Edinburgh, to learn about the development of anaesthesia and antiseptic in surgery, or head to York and Ripon to learn about crime and punishment in the Victorian era.

In Stratford-Upon-Avon, your students will discover the world of Shakespeare and learn more about life in Elizabethan England.

Want your students to learn more about life in wartime Britain? London offers some excellent opportunities to discover what life was like during WW1 and WW2, with key visits including the Imperial War Museum, the Churchill War Rooms and the Cenotaph.

In Manchester and Liverpool your students can learn more about the Manchester Blitz and the important role that the North played during WW2.

And in Kent, your students can learn more about the Battle of Britain, with visits to the Battle of Britain Memorial, and the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum.

History school trips abroad

We can arrange history school trips in destinations all over the world!

On a history school trip to the WW1 battlefields, your group will experience the living conditions in the trenches, as well as the destructive power, waste and futility of war, by following the events of the 1916 Battle of the Somme and the Third Battle of Ypres.

In Berlin, Munich and Krakow, your students will have the chance to reflect on visits to Nazi concentration camps and learn more about the rise of National Socialism and the eventual fall of Hitler. And in Berlin, your students will discover how the ideological warfare of the Cold War affected the local population.

We also offer trips to France, where your students can find out more about the revolution that not only transformed France, but also had a huge effect on global politics.

Or head to Vietnam, where your students will learn more about the cause and effects of the Vietnam War – a Cold War era proxy war that lasted 20 years. They’ll find out what life was like for the soldiers and the local population, and they’ll learn more about the politics behind the conflict.

Why arrange a history school trip?

Bring history to life!

Sometimes, when students learn about history in the classroom, it can seem like a very abstract thing. They learn about the atrocities committed by the Nazis, or the huge loss of life in WW1, but it feels very distant and, perhaps, not very relevant to their lives.

By taking your students to the places where those historical events happened, you’re helping them to comprehend the reality of history. Your students will hear the personal stories of some of those involved, humanising their experiences.

By bringing history to life for your students, you’re providing them with the knowledge they need to help prevent the worst of our history repeating itself. And there’s no better way to bring history to life than with a school trip!

Deepen their understanding

We’ll tailor your history school trip to suit your curriculum and learning objectives.

So, for example, if you’re visiting the WW1 battlefields, you can choose to focus on helping students to understand the conditions in the trenches, or they can spend time learning more about medical advancements during WW1.

Perhaps your students are learning about the Nazis and the Holocaust? In Berlin, they can find out more about the rise of the Nazis and how Hitler, once seen as a fanatic, eventually rose to become dictator. And you could even extend your trip with a visit to Krakow, so that your students gain a deeper understanding of the scale and horror of the Holocaust with a visit to Auschwitz.

Our Travel Advisers know our destinations well and will be able to advise you on which visits would best suit your learning objectives.

Enjoy the trip as much as your students

Originally founded by former teachers, and with many former teachers still among us, we understand the value of history school trips and how to make them successful.

Your trip will be completely tailor made, to ensure that it meets your specific requirements and learning objectives. And we’ll be on hand throughout the process to answer any questions you have.

In fact, we’ll be with you every step of the way, from now until you return home at the end of your trip. While abroad, you’ll be able to reach us with just one phone call, at any time of the day or night. And, with this comprehensive level of support while you’re away, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy experiencing history brought to life as much as your students.

Cold War School Trip to Berlin

A history school trip to Berlin with a focus on the Cold War will give your students to better understand how and why the city was divided!


The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Krakow

Your school trip to Krakow can include visits to Auschwitz and Schindler's Factory, as well as a meeting with a Holocaust survivor.


Battlefield Tour to Ypres and the Somme

Explore the realities and horrors of life in the trenches of the Western Front during WW1. 


School WW2 Battlefield Tour to Normandy

In Normandy, your students will discover the incredible story behind D-Day and Operation Overlord.


History of Warfare School Trip to Normandy & The Somme

A school trip to Normandy and the Somme will help students understand the development of warfare between the World Wars!


History of Warfare School Trip to Ypres, Waterloo & Dunkirk

Explore the changing nature of warfare with your students on a history school trip to Waterloo, Ypres and Dunkirk!


Medicine Through Time In London

Visit a 19th century operating theatre and learn more about Florence Nightingale on your history school trip to London!


The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Berlin

After this trip, your students will better understand how and why the Nazis rose to power.


The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Berlin & Krakow

A history school trip to Berlin & Krakow includes a visit to Auschwitz and is unmissable for groups studying the Nazis & the Holocaust.


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Why Halsbury Education trips?

We build your trip around you

Tell us your learning objectives, curriculum and budget and we’ll do the rest.

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We’re trusted for a reason

We’re members of ABTA, ABTOT and the School Travel Forum. We also hold an ATOL and the LOtC Quality Badge.

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Laura Lucas

Tour Consultant

Tom Moorhouse

Tour Consultant

Gaynor Mayor

Education Sales & Product Manager

Laura Martin

Language Sales & Product Manager

Emma Gray da Silva

Tour Consultant

Lou Della Rocca

Tour Consultant

Gail Biggins

Tour Consultant

Judit Eleod

Tour Consultant

Paul Hudson

Tour Consultant

Michelle Hallam

Tour Consultant

Caroline Hill

Tour Consultant

Gayle Flude

Tour Consultant

Jodi Swift

Tour Consultant

Will Jehu

Tour Consultant

Vanessa Barbosa

Tour Consultant

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History activities that your school group will love

Asisi Berlin Wall Experience

Immerse yourselves in 1980s Berlin – a city divided in two by two competing political ideologies. This unique panorama experience

Berlin Wall Documentation Centre

The Documentation Center on the history of the Berlin Wall provides historical information and educates the public.Beginning with the historical,

Berlin Wall Memorial

This open-air exhibition on the infamous Bernauer Strasse illustrates how the Wall divided the city from 1961 until 1989. The

Berlin Wall Museum

This interactive museum tells the story of the Berlin Wall and helps to bring to life what life was like

Brandenburg Gate Museum

Experience history like you are there! This new multimedia museum just 100 metres from Brandenburg Gate shows 300 years of

Checkpoint Charlie Museum

During the lifetime of the Berlin Wall, this was the only way for non-Germans to cross from one half of

Cold War Berlin Walking tour

Retrace the often ghost-like trail of the Berlin Wall taking in guard towers and tank traps. Walk along Bernauer Strasse,

DDR Museum

Welcome to one of Europe's most interactive museums!The DDR Museum offers you a hands-on experience of the everyday life of

Guided Walking Tour - Third Reich and Cold War Berlin

This guided walking tour will give your students the opportunity to see the most important historic sights in relation to

Hohenschönhausen Stasi Memorial

Between 1945 and 1989 thousands of political prisoners were interned here by the Communist regime. Today, the prison is preserved

Memories of the Cold War - Meet a Former Political Prisoner

A rare and memorable opportunity to make history come to life. Your students will have the chance to discuss real

Stasi Museum

Under the GDR, the Ministry of State Security, or Stasi, spied more meticulously on the East German population than any

Subterranean Berlin

This tour of underground Berlin takes you through World War Two air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people

Teufelsberg (Devil's Mountain)

A Cold War radio base, hidden away in the Grunewald Forest, which originally used by the Allies to spy on

The Story of Berlin

The Story of Berlin is a multimedia exhibition with over 20 themed rooms that let you experience 800 years of

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

At this site, chosen by the SS for no other reason than its convenient location at a railway junction, some

Galicia Jewish Museum

The exhibition 'Traces of Memory' is a photographic tribute to a vanished world, a powerful acknowledgement of Poland's Jewish heritage.

Kazimierz (Jewish Quarter)

The medieval Jewish quarter of Kraków became the city's ghetto between 1939 and 1941, and a film set during the

Schindler's Factory

Kraków under Nazi Occupation 1939–1945 is on display at the former administrative building of Oskar Schindlers Enamel Factory at 4

Essex Farm

John McCrae's 'In Flanders Fields' remains, to this day, one of the most memorable war poems ever written. It is

In Flanders Fields Museum

This interactive museum mixes artefacts with documentary film, audio-visual presentations and contemporary artwork to vividly portray the horror and brutality

Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917

The museum commemorates the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917, in which there were 500,000 casualties in 100 days in which

Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel

On the first day of the battle of the Somme, eight hundred men of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment went over

Somme 1916 Museum

From the ninth to the sixteenth centuries, the people of Albert, like many in the region, got used to hiding

Thiepval Memorial to the Missing

The slaughter on the Somme wiped out a generation, and continues to cast a shadow on Britain’s popular consciousness. This

Tyne Cot British Cemetery

Within a kilometre of the farthest point in Belgium reached by the Allied forces lies the largest cemetery for Commonwealth

Vimy Ridge

In April 1917, Canadian soldiers wrested control of the escarpment here in a brief but bloody battle. A striking monument,

Hooge Crater Museum

On the site where some of the fiercest battles were fought is the 'Hooge Crater' Museum 1914-1918, one of the

Arromanches 360 Cinema

'The Price of Freedom' shown in this innovative 360-degree cinema, blends original documentary film of the invasion with pictures of

Arromanches Landings Museum

Built on the harbour at Arromanches overlooking Gold Beach, this museum uses original artifacts, dioramas and audio-visual presentations - including

Centre Juno Beach

The Juno Beach centre consists of seven exhibit rooms containing documents, maps, photos, audio and audiovisual accounts and artefacts from

Gold Beach

Gold Beach was the Allied code name for the centre invasion beach during the invasion of Normandy on June 6,

Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach was the code name for this Alliedlanding point inGerman-occupied Franceduring the Normandy landings of June1944.The beach is located

Pegasus Bridge Museum

This museum tells the story of the airborne invasion, in particular the 6th Airborne Division's capture of this strategically vital

Bayeux British Cemetery

The largest British military cemetery in France, this site on the outskirts of Bayeux is the last resting place of

Lochnagar Crater

On the morning of the first day of the battle of the Somme, Welsh miners blew a huge mine under

Longues-sur-Mer Battery

Part of the infamous Atlantic Wall built by the Germans to protect the French coast, Longues sur Mer Battery could

Last Post Ceremony, Menin Gate

Every evening since 1928 the Last Post has sounded at the Menin Gate at 20:00 in homage to the fallen

Wellington Museum

People come from all over the world to find out more about the events of 18th June 1815. This battle

Hill 62 Museum/Sanctuary Wood

Sanctuary Wood and its trench museum show an authentic and vivid portrayal of what is was like to live in

Old Operating Theatre Museum

The Old Operating Theatre Museum is one of the most unusual museums in London. It is the oldest in Europe,

Square Route Walks

Square Route Walks offer a variety of guided walks which can coverthe following themes: World War I and II in

The Florence Nightingale Museum

Florence Nightingale is the world's most famous nurse and this museum, as you might expect, is dedicated to her life

The London Dungeon

The London Dungeon recreates various gruesome and horrifying historical events in a comedic, 'gallows humour' style, which makes it extremely

The Science Museum London

The Science Museum is home to the world's most comprehensive collection of science, technology, industry and medicine. The themes are

Haus der Wannsee Konferenz

On January 20th, 1942 Reinhard Heydrich, Head of the Reich Security, chaired a meeting of high-ranking civil servants and SS-officers

Insider Walking Tours

Starting at the bombed-out Memorial Church, emblem of the ferocious Allied bombing campaign, groups then follow the route of the

Jewish Museum Berlin

Daniel Libeskind's steel lightening bolt of a building is as much a part of this groundbreaking new museum as the

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Opened in May 2005, this controversial and long-awaited monument includes an underground exhibition on the Holocaust.The Memorial to the Murdered

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

One of the earliest Nazi concentration camps, Sachsenhausen began to receive Jews and political dissidents in large numbers in the

Topographie of Terror

Built on the site of the former headquarters of the Reich Security Head Office - the organisation which embraced both

Guided Tour of the Jewish Quarter

A guided tour of the Jewish Quarter takes in a visit to a Synagogue, the oldest Jewish cemetery, as well

Airborne Museum 'Hartenstein'

The Airborne Museum 'Hartenstein' was founded in 1949 as a tribute to the British and Polish airborne troops who fought

Anne Frank House

One of the most poignant visits in Amsterdam; this unremarkable building is where Anne Frank and seven members of her

Hollandsche Schouwburg

During the Second World War, the Hollandsche Schouwburg (Dutch Theatre) was used as a deportation centre for Jews. The theatre,

Jewish Historical Museum

The Jewish Historical Museum collects objects and works of art associated with the religion, culture and history of the Jews

Kamp Vught National Memorial

Kamp Vught, also known as Herzogenbusch concentration camp, was built in 1942 when it seemed that the transit camps of

Resistance Museum Amsterdam

The permanent, bilingual exhibition of the Resistance Museum contains artefacts that tell the story of the Dutch Resistance. False ID

The National Liberation Museum 1944-1945

Operation Market Garden, the largest airborne operation in history took place here in September 1944. The museum brings the historical

War and Resistance Museum Overloon at Liberty Park

The National War and Resistance Museum consists of a 35-acre park, which is the very location of one of the

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial

The Nazi's first concentration camp at Dachau has been renovated and preserved as a memorial to those who suffered and

Documentation Centre Nazi Party Rally Grounds

The Nazis held their party rallies in Nuremberg from 1933 to 1938, which makes this the perfect location in which


On 9November 1923, the Feldherrnhalle was the scene of a confrontation between the Bavarian State Police and an illegal organised

Jewish Museum Munich

The Jewish Museum Munich provides an overview of Munich’s Jewish history and is part of the city's new Jewish Centre


Commissioned by Ludwig I, the architect Leo von Klenze designed this Royal square. Constructed in Neo-Classical style, it is home

Memorium Nuremberg Trials

Between 20th November 1945 and 1st October 1946 an International Military Tribunal was held in the Nuremberg Palace of Justice. Here,

NS-Dokumentationszentrum Munich

The rise of the National Socialist movement began in Munich after the First World War and, as such, the city

Walking Tour - National Socialism and Resistance

Hitler came to Munich in 1912 andjoined the German Worker's Party, which he had moulded into the Nazi Party by

White Rose Foundation

White Rose was a non-violent resistant group in Nazi Germany, consisting of five students from the University of Munich and

Cu Chi Tunnels

The Cu Chi Tunnels are a maze of interlinked tunnels that were built by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City Museum

Originally built in 1890 by the French as a commercial museum, it was turned intoa Governor's Palace thencommittee building, and

Reunification Hall

Formerly South Vietnam’s Presidential Palace, this building has been left largely untouched from the day Saigon fell to the North.

War Remnants Museum

Previously known as the Exhibition House of American War Crimes, and currently housed in a series of eight themed rooms

Wellington Quarry

Beneath the streets of Arras lie impressive chalk quarries which date back to the Middle Ages. In 1914, Arras was

Battle of Dunkirk/Operation Dynamo Museum

The Battle of Dunkirk exhibit gives an account of the fight carried out by the French army and by the

Blockhouse Bunker

When visiting the Eperlecques bunker, you will discover an authentic launch pad with its V1 ready for takeoff. The site

Dunkirk Cemetery and Memorial

The Dunkirk Town Cemetery contains British, Canadian, French, Belgian, American, Czech, Norwegian and Polish war graves amongst many other nationalities.

Dynamo Tour

Your guide will join you on board for atour of the evacuation beaches, the port, British Memorial and cemetery, Zydcoote

La Coupole

Built in 1943 as a base for Hitler's V2 missile, La Coupole is dedicated to life in Northern France during

Menin Gate

Situated on Menin Road where men used to march from Ypres to the front lines, the Menin Gate is a

Talbot House

Away from the turmoil of battle in Ypres, Poperinge developed into the nerve centre for the British army. From December

Yorkshire Trench

In 1992 a group of amateur archeologists named “The Diggers” first discovered the remains of an original British trench. In

Delville Wood

Nicknamed 'Devil Wood' by South African soldiers because of the horrendous losses they suffered here, this site commemorates the South

Ulster Tower

The Ulster Tower is a memorial to the men of the 36th (Ulster) Division. It is located very near to

Château de Versailles

The biggest and most elaborate royal palace in Europe, Versailles was built to reflect the glory of the Sun King,


The spectacular Conciergerie sits on the western side of the Île de la Cité and is where hundreds of prisoners,

Hôtel des Invalides

The Hôtel des Invalides was founded by Louis XIV as a hospital and retirement home for war veterans. One of the

Maison de Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo's apartment in Paris is now a homage to the great author himself. Students will be able to discover

Place de la Bastille

Place de la Bastille is a must-visit on a history school trip to France. Not because there is a huge

Place de la Concorde

The largest square in Paris, the Place de la Concorde has a bloody history. During the French Revolution, the revolutionary government

Musée Carnavalet

The Musée Carnavalet tells the history of Paris and is the perfect visit for groups studying the French Revolution.

Edinburgh Dungeon

Journey into the depths of Edinburgh's darkest history with a visit to the Edinburgh Dungeons!

National Museum of Scotland

The National Museum of Scotland is a must-visit on a school trip to Edinburgh. Here, you'll find exhibitions covering everything from Mary Queen of Scots to Dolly the Sheep.

The History of Surgery Museum

For any groups studying the history of medicine, a visit to the History of Surgery Museum in Edinburgh is unmissable!

Imperial War Museum North

The Imperial War Museum North is located in Manchester and, similarly to its counterpart in London, focuses on the impact

Merseyside Maritime Museum

Discover Liverpool's seafaring heritage at the Merseyside Maritime Museum at the famous Albert Dock. Here, you'll learn more about Liverpool's

Stockport Air Raid Shelters

Find out what life was like in wartime Britain at Stockport Air Raid Tunnels. The tunnels were opened in 1939

Western Approaches Museum

Discover Britain's top secret WW2 bunker hidden below the streets of Liverpool! This underground bunker was a hive of activity

Churchill War Rooms

The Churchill War Rooms are a branch of the Imperial War Museum dedicated to Winston Churchill and how he and

HMS Belfast

HMS Belfast is a former Royal Navy Town-class light cruiser that now operates as a museum within the Imperial War

Imperial War Museum London

Through its exhibitions, collections and varied programmes, the Imperial War Museum London offers a stimulating and memorable learning experience.The Museum

Jewish Museum London

The Jewish Museum in London tells the story of British Jewish life, history and identity. You'll be able to learn

Flanders Fields Memorial Garden

The Flanders Field Memorial Garden is dedicated to those who fought in WW1 and is next to the Guards Chapel

National Army Museum

The National Army Museum looks at the role that the British Army has played in the social and political life

Royal Air Force Museum London

The RAF Museum in London tells the story of the Royal Air Force. Located on the former Hendon Aerodrome which

The National Archives

The National Archives is home to some of the nation's most iconic documents, some of which date back more than

Westminster Cenotaph

The Cenotaph at Westminster has become the focal point for the nation's remembrance and commemoration events. Cenotaph means 'empty tomb' and

Kenilworth Castle

Kenilworth Castle's history dates back over 900 years, from Norman times right through to the Tudor period and beyond. It's

Kirby Hall

Kirby Hall is a spectacular example of an Elizabethan country house and is, in fact, considered a early example of

Shakespeare's Birthplace

Take your students to the house where Shakespeare's story began! Not only was the playwright born here, he grew up

Tudor World Museum - Shakespeare Walking Tour

Enjoy a guided tour of Stratford-Upon-Avon led by the Bard himself! 'William Shakespeare' will tell you all about his family,

Jorvik Viking Centre

When you visit Jorvik Viking Centre, you'll learn about what life was like more than 1,000 years ago when the

Ripon Courthouse Museum

Find out more about the courtrooms of the 19th century at Ripon's Courthouse Museum. The museum is housed in the

Ripon Prison & Police Museum

On the ground floor of Ripon's Prison & Police Museum, you'll be able to explore the bare prison cells and

York Castle Museum

York Castle Museum is actually housed in prison (a debtors' prison and a women's prison) buildings, which were themselves built

York Dungeon

Visit York Dungeon to experience 2,000 years of York's darkest history. You'll meet some very shady characters and, if your

Battle of Britain Memorial

The Battle of Britain Memorial is a monument to the aircrew who flew in the Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain Museum

The Battle of Britain Museum is home to the largest collection of memorabilia relating to the airborne campaign in the skies above.

Dover Castle

Dover Castle school trips offer a range of experiences, from learning about its medieval past to its role in rescuing British and allied troops in WW2

Ramsgate Tunnels

Explore the UK's largest network of civilian wartime tunnels, which protected residents from the Luftwaffe's bombs

Spitfire and Hurricane Museum

At this museum, pupils will learn about the iconic Spitfire and Hurricane fighter planes used by the RAF throughout WW2.

Berlin Cathedral

One of the principal buildings of the nineteenth-century Berlin, the cathedral was completed at the turn of the century and

Berliner Fernsehturm (TV Tower)

Visible from almost any point in the city, the television tower was a flagship of east German architecture. From its

Wawel Royal Castle

Beautifully situated on a hill overlooking the River Vistila, Wawel Castle was the capital residence and burial place of Poland's

Wieliczka Salt Mine

This deposit of rock salt has been mined since 13th century. Spread over nine levels, it has 300km of galleries

Bellewaerde Park

Bellewaerde Park is Belgium’s oldest theme park. Built around an ancient castle, this theme park is located only 75 minutes

Leonidas Chocolate Shop

Hans and Stephanie are always happy to welcome you to their chocolate shop! Situated in the Grote Markt main square

Bayeux Tapestry

Justifiably famous as one of the most extraordinary artefacts to survive from the eleventh century, the Bayeux Tapestry is a

La Cité de la Mer

La Cité de la Mer is situated on the site of the old Transatlantic Railway Terminal in Cherbourg and is

Mont Saint-Michel Abbey

The long history of Mont Saint-Michel is thought to date back to 708AD when Aubert, Bishop of Avranches had a

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace serves as both the office and London residence of Her Majesty The Queen, as well as the administrative

Houses Of Parliament

Take a guided tour around the houses of Parliament where you will be able to see the Commons and Lords

Tower of London

There are dozens of amazing sights and activities at the Tower of London. Students can spend the day visiting the


Formerly the Reichstag, the seat of Germany's parliament lay empty and derelict from 1933 to 1999. Now crowned with a

Potsdamer Platz

In the years since German reunification Potsdamer Platz has made a transformation from a swathe of no man's land abutting

Amsterdam Arena

Amsterdam Arena opened on 14 August 1996. From that day on, the Netherlands has had a multifunctional stadium in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Canal Cruises

Almost certainly the best way to see Amsterdam’s photogenic streets is from its famous canals. There are many different routes

Van Gogh Museum

Holding the world's largest collection of works by Vincent van Gogh, this museum charts the development of van Gogh's artistic

Munich Zoo

Situated on the plains of the River Isar, Munich Zoo was established as the world's first "geo-zoo" in 1928. The

Olympic Park

Munich’s massive Olympic Park complex was constructed for the Olympic Games in 1972, and remains a marvel of modern engineering.


The Viktualienmarkt, the bustling, colourful food market at the end of the pedestrian zone off the Marienplatz, is one of

Ho Chi Minh City Tour

Formally known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Vietnam and is considered the economic capital.

Mekong Delta Floating markets

An early morning visit to the Cai Rang floating market will give your students an opportunity to learn about the

Bateaux Mouches

One of the best and most relaxing ways to see the sights of Paris is to take a Seine river

Eiffel Tower

The instantly recognisable symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, can be seen from almost any point in the city, and

Fat Tire Bike Tours Paris

Take one of the Fat Tire bike tours around the centre of Paris for a new, fun way to experience

Camera Obscura and World of Illusion

The Camera Obscura show is a fascinating and highly amusing way to see the city and learn about its history.

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle dominates the capital's skyline and offers stunning views of the city and countryside.

Harry Potter Walking Tour, Edinburgh

On a Harry Potter walking tour, your students will visit some of the locations that inspired one of the best-selling book series in history.

National Wallace Monument

The National Wallace Monument sits on top of a hill overlooking Stirling and commemorates one of Scotland's national heroes, Sir William Wallace.

Palace of Holyroodhouse

The Palace of Holyroodhouse, also known as Holyrood Palace, is the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland. Sitting

Royal Yacht Britannia

The Royal Yacht Britannia spent 44 years carrying the Royal Family around the world, covering over a million nautical miles.

The Chocolatarium

Enjoy a 90-minute fully guided tour of chocolate at Edinburgh's Chocolatarium, just off the Royal Mile! Your students will find

London Eye

The London Eye is the world’s biggest observation wheel. Situated on the South Bank of the Thames, it is the

York Minster

The second-largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe, York Minster is one of the most magnificent buildings in the UK.

York's Chocolate Story

In the 19th century, York's Quaker families opened their own cocoa houses and chocolate shops, leading to the city becoming

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