School trips to Kent

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If your school group is studying the Battle of Britain and WW2, then Kent and the South East of England is the perfect place to visit for a fun-filled, educational day away from the classroom. 

Our school trips to Kent are most popular with history groups across all key stages, but they can also work well for a wide range of subjects. Plus, you have the option to tailor your school visit perfectly for your group, curriculum, and desired objectives. You can check our range of school trips in Kent below, or contact us to discuss a more customised package. 

Our travel experts will help you with every aspect of planning and running the top: from completing a risk assessment to organising travel, accommodation, and experiences.

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Why visit Kent?

Discover the Battle of Britain

The tranquillity of the Kentish countryside was violently disturbed during the Second World War when much of the Battle of Britain took place overhead.

On a trip to Kent, students will learn more about how this part of the country was heavily damaged during the Battle of Britain, thanks to the fact that it lay between German bases in occupied northern France and their primary target in the UK: London.

Kent and London were hit by around 2,500 V-1 flying bombs or ‘doodlebugs’, earning this area the nickname ‘Doodlebug Alley’. The county is now home to some of the best museums relating to this period, including the Battle of Britain Memorial and the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum.

At the visitor centre of the Battle of Britain Memorial, your students will have the opportunity to learn about what the people in Kent would have experienced during the Battle of Britain, with historical footage superimposed over the current view across the English Channel.

Learn more about life on the Home Front

School visits to Kent also offer your students the chance to learn more about what everyday life was like during WW2, from the aircrews who fought in the Battle of Britain to the civilians on the Home Front.

They’ll find out how some of the local population escaped bombardment by sheltering in tunnels deep underground. Ramsgate Tunnels are the UK’s largest collection of civilian wartime tunnels and offer visitors the opportunity to find out how this town beneath a town evolved and to hear some of the personal stories of life underground.

Explore the ‘garden of England’

The rolling hills, dramatic white cliffs, and charming villages make Kent a lovely setting for any school trip.

In fact, the beautiful county of Kent is often referred to as ‘The Garden of England’, thanks to its many fruit-laden orchards and hop gardens.

The county is known for its incredible fruit, including sumptuous summer strawberries, and for being the main centre of hazelnut production in the UK. School groups must stop off for a taster!

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We’re trusted for a reason

We’re members of ABTA, ABTOT and the School Travel Forum. We also hold an ATOL and the LOtC Quality Badge.

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Our Education specialists

Laura Lucas

Tour Consultant

Tom Moorhouse

Tour Consultant

Gaynor Mayor

Education Sales & Product Manager

Laura Martin

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Emma Gray da Silva

Tour Consultant

Lou Della Rocca

Tour Consultant

Gail Biggins

Tour Consultant

Judit Eleod

Tour Consultant

Paul Hudson

Tour Consultant

Michelle Hallam

Tour Consultant

Caroline Hill

Tour Consultant

Gayle Flude

Tour Consultant

Jodi Swift

Tour Consultant

Will Jehu

Tour Consultant

Vanessa Barbosa

Tour Consultant

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Learn more about Kent school trips

Read some of our latest blogs covering school trips to Kent.

Activities in Kent that your school group will love

Battle of Britain Memorial

The Battle of Britain Memorial is a monument to the aircrew who flew in the Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain Museum

The Battle of Britain Museum is home to the largest collection of memorabilia relating to the airborne campaign in the skies above.

Dover Castle

Dover Castle school trips offer a range of experiences, from learning about its medieval past to its role in rescuing British and allied troops in WW2

Ramsgate Tunnels

Explore the UK's largest network of civilian wartime tunnels, which protected residents from the Luftwaffe's bombs

Spitfire and Hurricane Museum

At this museum, pupils will learn about the iconic Spitfire and Hurricane fighter planes used by the RAF throughout WW2.


How long should a school group spend in Kent?
We recommend school groups visit Kent for 1-2 days. It's an ideal day trip location for schools in the South East, or those coming from further afield can make it an overnight stay to get the most from their trip.
Can I tailor your Kent trips to suit my group's needs?
Yes, you can tailor any of our trips as you wish. You don't have to follow the itinerary of the trips listed above. Speak to one of our travel advisors and we'll help you organise the trip you're after.

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