02 October 2018

Looking for Ideas for Activities Week?

One of the highlights of the school year, Activities Week (also sometimes called Enrichment Week) is a wonderful opportunity to broaden pupils’ horizons and enrich the curriculum. By the end of the week, many pupils will have been able to try something new, visit a new country and improve relationships with fellow pupils and teachers!

Many schools choose to offer school trips during Activities Week. If you’re thinking of arranging a trip, here are a few ideas:

Theme Parks

Theme parks are always a fantastic option for an Activities Week school trip. Not only are they lots of fun for both staff and students, but they also offer a wide range of educational opportunities, from seeing physics in action to testing out language skills.

Disneyland® Paris is still our most popular theme park and combining this with some time spent in Paris, the chic French capital, makes for a well-rounded trip that students will love.

If you’re thinking about next year’s trip though, it might be worth steering clear of Paris, as the city will be hosting the Olympic Games in summer 2024. As well as being even busier than normal, availability for accommodation is already incredibly difficult throughout the entire area around Paris.

However, there are plenty of alternatives for you to consider. Brussels and Walibi World is a fantastic option if you really need to offer a French aspect to the trip. You’ll still be able to combine your time at the theme park with the opportunity to explore one of Europe’s most attractive capital cities and all the culture that has to offer.

Or, if you really want to visit France, why not try the Loire and Futuroscope? The Loire is, of course, famous for its magnificent châteaux, and Futuroscope is a fascinating futuristic theme park.

If you’re happy to visit Germany, you could visit the Rhineland, or its capital Cologne, which will mean you can visit Phantasialand, one of Europe’s best theme parks and a real favourite among our groups. Phantasialand offers a real variety of rides for everyone, from adrenaline junkies to those who prefer a more sedate experience.

Language and Culture

There really is no better way to broaden students’ horizons than by immersing them in a foreign language and culture. This is why Activities Week is the perfect time for a Language Culture trip!

If your students are a little younger and you want to give them a bit of an introduction to the country and its culture, then you want to go for a slightly quieter destination. The Opal Coast in France, for example, is just a short hop across the Channel and offers endless exciting activities to choose from, away from the hubbub of the big cities.

If your students are a little older and you want them to get a real grasp of the culture, it is hard to beat a capital city for getting a good overall view of what the country has to offer. Berlin and Madrid are always hugely popular among our groups for this reason.

And, of course, if you’re struggling to decide on a destination, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll happily discuss the pros and cons of each destination and will be pleased to advise you on the suitability for your group based on your particular requirements.

Watersports Tours

Our friends over at Halsbury Sport offer a great variety of sports tours, including watersports tours, which can work really well for Activities Week.

A watersports tour during Activities Week offers the opportunity for students to try activities that most if not all, will never have had the chance to try before. This makes it a great leveller and shows students that there is a world of sports and activities outside of those normally offered in school – who knows, you could inspire a lifelong passion for outdoor pursuits in some of them with this trip!

The exact activities on offer vary but often include things like kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding and sailing.

You can choose between heading to the Costa Brava or the South of France for some (almost!) guaranteed sunshine, or you could visit one of the fantastic watersports centres in this country, such as London 2012 venue Lee Valley, the National Watersports Centre at Holme Pierrepont in Nottinghamshire, or the spectacular Lake District.

Feeling inspired?

Ready to start planning your next Activities Week adventure? Contact us today for further information or to request your tailor-made, no-obligation quote.