Medicine Through Time

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For schools following the ‘Medicine Through Time’ theme, our history school trips provide an excellent opportunity to extend learning outside the classroom environment.

Your students will not only learn about the developments in medicine, but also the historical, social and cultural contexts in which those developments took place.

Read more about Medicine Through Time trips for schools

Medicine through time school trips in the UK

You don’t have to travel far to explore the development of medicine through time, as the UK has long been at the forefront of medical developments.

We offer medicine through time school trips in both London and Edinburgh. In London, your students can learn more about the foundation of modern nursing with a visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum.

And you can combine a walking tour of London focusing on the history of public healthcare in the city with a visit to the Old Operating Theatre Museum for a talk on a 19th century operation. Complete your school trip to London with a visit to the Medicine Through Time section of the Science Museum.

In Edinburgh, a visit to the History of Surgery Museum will give your students the opportunity to learn more about anaesthesia and antiseptics and some of the key figures involved in their development, such as Joseph Lister.

They’ll also find out how Edinburgh became a centre for anatomical study in Europe in the early 19th century and why that led to some terrible crimes.

Medicine through time school trips abroad

Alternatively, head to Ypres, in Belgium for your medicine through time school trip. Here, your students will learn more about the development of field medicine during WW1.

They’ll discover how wounded soldiers were treated on the Western Front, and how the development of new weapons led to innovations in medicine. Plus, discover the key roles played by the Royal Army Medical Corps and the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry.

Why arrange a medicine through time school trip?

Experience history

Your students live in a world where medicine performs miracles and many diseases and injuries are highly treatable. But only a couple of centuries ago, that wasn’t the case and things that would be considered a minor inconvenience now could be enough to kill you.

By taking your students on a medicine through time school trip, you’ll be giving them the opportunity to explore what life was like before vital developments in medicine.

They’ll learn how and why people invested time, effort and money in these developments and they’ll better understand how these developments have affected society.

And all these practical experiences of history will serve them well when it comes to exams, as they’ll find them much easier and quicker to remember and will have had time to develop their thoughts on what they’ve seen and learnt.

Inspire them

For history students, there’s nothing more inspiring than a school trip where history is brought to life for them. They’ll love this opportunity to develop their understanding of what you’ve covered in the classroom.

They’ll also gain a deeper appreciation of the value of history. After all, studying history helps us to better understand our modern world, and that’s certainly the case when it comes to the development of medicine. Knowing this could help to encourage a deeper passion for history and even push them to continue their history studies!

Seeing what came before will also help students to feel grateful that they live in a world where so much can be achieved by science and medicine.

Enjoy the trip as much as your students

Originally founded by former teachers, we understand the value of history school trips and how to make them successful.

Your trip will be completely tailor made, to ensure that it meets your specific requirements and learning objectives. And we’ll be on hand throughout the process to answer any questions you have.

In fact, we’ll be with you every step of the way, from now until you return home at the end of your trip. While abroad, you’ll be able to reach us with just one phone call, at any time of the day or night. And, with this comprehensive level of support while you’re away, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy immersing yourself in history as much as your students.

Why Halsbury Education trips?

We build your trip around you

Tell us your learning objectives, curriculum and budget and we’ll do the rest.

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We’re trusted for a reason

We’re members of ABTA, ABTOT and the School Travel Forum. We also hold an ATOL and the LOtC Quality Badge.

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Laura Lucas

Tour Consultant

Tom Moorhouse

Tour Consultant

Gaynor Mayor

Education Sales & Product Manager

Laura Martin

Language Sales & Product Manager

Emma Gray da Silva

Tour Consultant

Lou Della Rocca

Tour Consultant

Gail Biggins

Tour Consultant

Judit Eleod

Tour Consultant

Paul Hudson

Tour Consultant

Michelle Hallam

Tour Consultant

Caroline Hill

Tour Consultant

Gayle Flude

Tour Consultant

Jodi Swift

Tour Consultant

Will Jehu

Tour Consultant

Vanessa Barbosa

Tour Consultant

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Medicine Through Time activities that your school group will love

Edinburgh Dungeon

Journey into the depths of Edinburgh's darkest history with a visit to the Edinburgh Dungeons!

National Museum of Scotland

The National Museum of Scotland is a must-visit on a school trip to Edinburgh. Here, you'll find exhibitions covering everything from Mary Queen of Scots to Dolly the Sheep.

The History of Surgery Museum

For any groups studying the history of medicine, a visit to the History of Surgery Museum in Edinburgh is unmissable!

Essex Farm

John McCrae's 'In Flanders Fields' remains, to this day, one of the most memorable war poems ever written. It is

In Flanders Fields Museum

This interactive museum mixes artefacts with documentary film, audio-visual presentations and contemporary artwork to vividly portray the horror and brutality

Last Post Ceremony, Menin Gate

Every evening since 1928 the Last Post has sounded at the Menin Gate at 20:00 in homage to the fallen

Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917

The museum commemorates the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917, in which there were 500,000 casualties in 100 days in which

Tyne Cot British Cemetery

Within a kilometre of the farthest point in Belgium reached by the Allied forces lies the largest cemetery for Commonwealth

Vimy Ridge

In April 1917, Canadian soldiers wrested control of the escarpment here in a brief but bloody battle. A striking monument,

Hooge Crater Museum

On the site where some of the fiercest battles were fought is the 'Hooge Crater' Museum 1914-1918, one of the

Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel

On the first day of the battle of the Somme, eight hundred men of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment went over

Somme 1916 Museum

From the ninth to the sixteenth centuries, the people of Albert, like many in the region, got used to hiding

Thiepval Memorial to the Missing

The slaughter on the Somme wiped out a generation, and continues to cast a shadow on Britain’s popular consciousness. This

Wellington Quarry

Beneath the streets of Arras lie impressive chalk quarries which date back to the Middle Ages. In 1914, Arras was

Old Operating Theatre Museum

The Old Operating Theatre Museum is one of the most unusual museums in London. It is the oldest in Europe,

Square Route Walks

Square Route Walks offer a variety of guided walks which can coverthe following themes: World War I and II in

The Florence Nightingale Museum

Florence Nightingale is the world's most famous nurse and this museum, as you might expect, is dedicated to her life

The London Dungeon

The London Dungeon recreates various gruesome and horrifying historical events in a comedic, 'gallows humour' style, which makes it extremely

The Science Museum London

The Science Museum is home to the world's most comprehensive collection of science, technology, industry and medicine. The themes are

Camera Obscura and World of Illusion

The Camera Obscura show is a fascinating and highly amusing way to see the city and learn about its history.

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle dominates the capital's skyline and offers stunning views of the city and countryside.

Harry Potter Walking Tour, Edinburgh

On a Harry Potter walking tour, your students will visit some of the locations that inspired one of the best-selling book series in history.

National Wallace Monument

The National Wallace Monument sits on top of a hill overlooking Stirling and commemorates one of Scotland's national heroes, Sir William Wallace.

Palace of Holyroodhouse

The Palace of Holyroodhouse, also known as Holyrood Palace, is the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland. Sitting

Royal Yacht Britannia

The Royal Yacht Britannia spent 44 years carrying the Royal Family around the world, covering over a million nautical miles.

The Chocolatarium

Enjoy a 90-minute fully guided tour of chocolate at Edinburgh's Chocolatarium, just off the Royal Mile! Your students will find

Leonidas Chocolate Shop

Hans and Stephanie are always happy to welcome you to their chocolate shop! Situated in the Grote Markt main square

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace serves as both the office and London residence of Her Majesty The Queen, as well as the administrative

Houses Of Parliament

Take a guided tour around the houses of Parliament where you will be able to see the Commons and Lords

Tower of London

There are dozens of amazing sights and activities at the Tower of London. Students can spend the day visiting the

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