The Cold War School Trips

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Help your students to gain a deeper understanding of the ideological differences that caused the Cold War, as well as learn more about what life was like for those living in East Germany and the Soviet Union on a Cold War-themed history trip to Germany!

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Cold War school trips to Berlin

Although the ideological confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States might not have involved direct conflict between the two superpowers, the Cold War, as it came to be known, was fought by all other available means.

Using economic pressure supported by huge propaganda efforts, both power blocks fought for dominance. Berlin, the city physically divided by this geopolitical tension, is the perfect place to explore the era.

If you want your students to learn more about the Berlin Wall, then visits to the Berlin Wall Memorial, the Berlin Wall Documentation Centre and the Asisi Berlin Wall Experience are unmissable. Your students will see for themselves how the wall physically separated the city, and the two conflicting ideologies. They’ll also hear the personal stories of some of those who lived in a divided Berlin, to find out how they were affected by the erection of the Berlin Wall.

At Checkpoint Charlie, the famous crossing point between East and West Berlin, students will learn more about the division of the city. At the museum, they’ll learn more about the desperate attempts people made to flee East Berlin.

If you want your students to get a better idea of what life was like in East Berlin and learn why people might have wanted to escape, then a visit to the DDR Museum is a must. This interactive museum really immerses visitors in life in the GDR, from ‘driving’ the iconic Trabant, to the reconstruction of a typical tower block apartment, with all its day-to-day items. Here, they’ll also learn more about what it was like to live under state surveillance.

Why arrange a Cold War school trip?

Bring the period to life

The Cold War had such a huge impact on life in Europe and North America, particularly in Eastern Bloc where socialism had completely transformed millions of people’s day-to-day lives. A history school trip to Berlin offers students the opportunity to see how radically different life in the Eastern Bloc was to that in the West.

By visiting Berlin’s many fantastic attractions that tell the story of the Berlin Wall and life in East Berlin, your students will better understand how the city was physically and ideologically divided from 1961 to 1989.

Experiencing all this for themselves will give them a deeper understanding of why the ideological divide was so crucial and how this affected the lives of everyday people living in the Eastern Bloc.

Inspire them

There’s no better way to inspire your students than by giving them the opportunity to immerse themselves in history and bring the period they’re studying to life. This is especially the case when it comes to the Cold War, as this is a period in fairly recent history, that their parents and grandparents will certainly still have memories of.

This means that they can learn about the history from people who lived through it. Certainly, in Berlin we can arrange for your students to meet a former political prisoner, who will be happy to share their experiences with them.

Students will be able to make links between the events of the Cold War and current events and relations between NATO and Russia. It will be easy for them to understand how history doesn’t remain in the past and is often an important element of international politics today. They’ll better understand that a good working knowledge of history can help us to understand what is happening around us. And, who knows, perhaps this could persuade them to take their studies further!

Enjoy the trip as much as your students

Founded by former teachers, we understand the value of history school trips and how to make them successful.

Your trip will be completely tailor made, to ensure that it meets your specific requirements and learning objectives. And we’ll be on hand throughout the process to answer any questions you have.

In fact, we’ll be with you every step of the way, from now until you return home at the end of your trip. While abroad, you’ll be able to reach us with just one phone call, at any time of the day or night. And, with this comprehensive level of support while you’re away, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy immersing yourself in history as much as your students.

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The Cold War activities that your school group will love

Asisi Berlin Wall Experience

Immerse yourselves in 1980s Berlin – a city divided in two by two competing political ideologies. This unique panorama experience

Berlin Wall Documentation Centre

The Documentation Center on the history of the Berlin Wall provides historical information and educates the public.Beginning with the historical,

Berlin Wall Memorial

This open-air exhibition on the infamous Bernauer Strasse illustrates how the Wall divided the city from 1961 until 1989. The

Berlin Wall Museum

This interactive museum tells the story of the Berlin Wall and helps to bring to life what life was like

Brandenburg Gate Museum

Experience history like you are there! This new multimedia museum just 100 metres from Brandenburg Gate shows 300 years of

Checkpoint Charlie Museum

During the lifetime of the Berlin Wall, this was the only way for non-Germans to cross from one half of

Cold War Berlin Walking tour

Retrace the often ghost-like trail of the Berlin Wall taking in guard towers and tank traps. Walk along Bernauer Strasse,

DDR Museum

Welcome to one of Europe's most interactive museums!The DDR Museum offers you a hands-on experience of the everyday life of

Guided Walking Tour - Third Reich and Cold War Berlin

This guided walking tour will give your students the opportunity to see the most important historic sights in relation to

Hohenschönhausen Stasi Memorial

Between 1945 and 1989 thousands of political prisoners were interned here by the Communist regime. Today, the prison is preserved

Memories of the Cold War - Meet a Former Political Prisoner

A rare and memorable opportunity to make history come to life. Your students will have the chance to discuss real

Stasi Museum

Under the GDR, the Ministry of State Security, or Stasi, spied more meticulously on the East German population than any

Subterranean Berlin

This tour of underground Berlin takes you through World War Two air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people

Teufelsberg (Devil's Mountain)

A Cold War radio base, hidden away in the Grunewald Forest, which originally used by the Allies to spy on

The Story of Berlin

The Story of Berlin is a multimedia exhibition with over 20 themed rooms that let you experience 800 years of

Berlin Cathedral

One of the principal buildings of the nineteenth-century Berlin, the cathedral was completed at the turn of the century and

Berliner Fernsehturm (TV Tower)

Visible from almost any point in the city, the television tower was a flagship of east German architecture. From its

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