23 January 2023

Cross-Curricular School Trips

A cross-curricular school trip is a great idea for many reasons. Firstly, the opportunity to delve deeper into two subjects is fantastic for students and a great way to get them engaged with their learning in all subjects.

And, of course, by teaming up with another department, you’ll be able to open your school trip up to more students, which should reduce the cost per person.

Our top tip for planning a cross-curricular school trip?

Try to plan one itinerary for the whole group with a mix of activities suiting each subject.

This will make it much easier for you to plan and manage – as you won’t be dealing with two fairly separate itineraries. This can also be complicated further if you have just the one coach, as it will be very difficult to get everyone to where you need to be if you’re following different itineraries!

Having just the one itinerary with a mix of visits is also better for students, as they benefit more from the cross-curricular nature of the trip.

For more information and advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our top destinations for cross-curricular school trips

Paris is one of the most popular destinations among our school groups, partly because it does offer so many fantastic educational experiences for a variety of subjects, including French, art, science, food technology, fashion, business studies and history.

Whichever subjects you’re planning to combine on a cross-curricular school trip to Paris, you’ll end up with a really exciting itinerary full of educational and cultural experiences that will stay with your students forever.

Of course, French combines really well with almost any other subject in Paris, as all will visits will present opportunities for French students to use their language skills and develop their understanding of the French culture.

However, we would advise against including language lessons at a local language school for your French students as part of a cross-curricular school trip to Paris, or any other location, as this really overcomplicates the itinerary and can make for a stressful planning process and a slightly hectic trip!

Normandy is another excellent choice for a cross-curricular school trip.

This lovely region of France is famous for both its cuisine and its long and fascinating history, especially its role in WW2.

History students will love exploring the sites where British and US troops landed in June 1944. And they’ll be fascinated to discover what life was like for the locals under Nazi occupation.

And with a visit to the Bayeux Tapestry, students can learn that England and France have shared a fascinating history throughout the ages.

And your students certainly won’t go hungry on a cross-curricular school trip to Normandy! All students, and especially food technology students, will enjoy exploring the region’s cuisine which is famous for its dairy products, seafood and its orchards where cider and perry are produced. We can arrange visits to cheese producers, bakeries and confectioners!

And, of course, any of these visits would also be fantastic for French students. They will have the opportunity to practise their French skills and will learn more about French history and culture at the same time!

Another destination where French and food technology can combine to make an unforgettable cross-curricular school trip to France is the Opal Coast.

The Opal Coast is just a short hop across the Channel, making it really convenient for a short school trip for British schools. It’s also a bit of a hidden gem, because most tourists speed through it on the way to Paris and the South of France, despite it being absolutely stunning!

You could visit bakeries, food markets and chocolatiers where your group will learn more about French food culture, which will be of interest to both the French and Food Technology contingent of your group.

Barcelona and the Costa Brava is another popular choice of destination among our school groups and, similarly to Paris, offers educational opportunities for a great range of subjects, including art, business studies, fashion, food technology, geography and Spanish. This makes it the perfect choice for a cross-curricular school trip to Spain.

This diversity means that whatever the combination of subjects, you can look forward to a really exciting itinerary packed full of unforgettable experiences for your students.

You can visit world-famous art galleries, explore Spain’s unique tapas culture and learn more about the impact of tourism on this part of the Spanish coast.

And, of course, whatever the reason for visiting Barcelona, you must make sure you include some time in your itinerary to visit one of the incredible Gaudí sites – the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell are two of our favourites!

Along with Paris and Barcelona, Berlin is a real favourite among our school groups and continues to be a popular choice for cross-curricular school trips to Germany.

Berlin is a really exciting, dynamic city that students love. It also offers some brilliant educational visits and activities for a variety of subjects, including history, German, art and design and technology.

Of course, for history students, Berlin offers students the opportunity to explore both the Nazis and the Holocaust, and the Cold War. It’s also great for politics students, as they can explore the history of German politics from monarchy and Empire through to the Weimar Republic, Nazism, division during the Cold War and its current status as a federal republic and key member of the European Union.

And all of this also holds interest for German students, as it will help them to understand German culture. Every visit will also have information in German and usually English too.

Berlin home to some fantastic art museums, and also has a thriving street art culture. History, art and German culture all combine at the East Side Gallery, which is definitely worth a visit on a cross-curricular school trip to Berlin.

And for Design and Technology students, a visit to Berlin offers the opportunity to learn more about Germany’s reputation for excellent design and engineering, as well as German media and manufacturing.

Want to see how a cross-curricular school trip works in practice?

Check out Royal Liberty School's case study. They recently visited Belgium on a cross-curricular school trip combining science and history - and had a fantastic time!

Ready to start planning your cross-curricular school trip?

Request your tailor-made quote today!