Exercise Snacking Poster

We’ve created this poster to help you to encourage your students to incorporate more activity into their daily routines.

We’ve created this poster to help you to encourage your students to incorporate more activity into their daily routines.

We’ve created this poster to help you to encourage your students to incorporate more activity into their daily routines.

Download the poster!

What is exercise snacking?

Exercise snacking means spending just a couple of minutes once or twice a day doing a few exercises. It can help get people moving without committing to a full-on ‘workout’.

This trend is gaining popularity among busy, primarily office-based adults, but it could also be a great way to help the less active children in your school to increase their levels of activity in a fun, easy and unobtrusive way.

By introducing them to exercise snacking, you will be helping them to get into the habit of moving more every day. This will help to boost their energy and could lead to a greater interest in sport and PE. Most importantly, it will help them establish a lifelong habit of moving more and being active daily.

How to use the poster

The poster shows 5 easy exercises – jumping jacks, lunges, power skips, squats and plank.

Do each of these exercises for 30 seconds, take a 15-second rest and then move on to the next exercise for 30 seconds. We’ve suggested doing 5 reps of the 5 exercises, but this is completely up to you. The point of exercise snacking is to get in some activity when you can, so if you need to do fewer reps, that’s fine!

If you’re getting your students into the idea of exercise snacking, why not set them the challenge of doing this routine every day for a week, before spending some time discussing with them if they have noticed the benefits?

Useful for parents and teachers too!

If you’re keen to get the whole school community moving more, why not share this poster with your colleagues (you could put it up in the staff room) and even parents?

The beauty of this fitness trend is that it’s convenient for everyone, no matter how busy, and you don’t need any equipment, so you can do it at home, or even on a break at work. And it really doesn’t matter too much how long people spend doing the exercises – the key is just to get them moving more and, most importantly, enjoying it!

If you want to go one step further and inspire more active and healthy lifestyles in your students, why not consider one of our school sports tours