21 February 2023

How Can Science Help You in Your Career?

Encourage more students to continue their science studies to A-Level and beyond with this free downloadable poster.

Encourage more students to continue their science studies to A-Level and beyond with this free downloadable poster.

Want to encourage more students to continue with their science studies into A-Level and beyond? Keen to show your students the important skills that science will teach them?

Then this poster is for you – and it’s completely free to download!

Download the poster!

So, how can science help you in your career?

Science makes you a better communicator

Studying science will require students to learn how to convey important information without being too verbose, and that’s a really important and, frankly, underrated skill to have. Being able to quickly and efficiently convey information is a skill that will stand your students in good stead in any number of roles.

Science teaches you how to handle data

During their science studies, students will have many opportunities to handle data.

They’ll learn how to use data, and how to interpret and evaluate it. This is a sought-after skill that many people have to learn later in life – your students will already have a good grounding in how to handle data, putting them at an advantage.

Science makes you a great team player

Throughout their science studies, your students will frequently be required to work in a team. Not only will this teach them how to listen to other people’s ideas, to offer ideas of their own and to question each other respectfully, it will also teach them the importance of taking on individual responsibility to ensure team success.

Most jobs involve working in a team to some extent and so, of course, this is an incredibly important skill to have. Plus, if your students are great team players, they’ll develop great relationships with their colleagues, which in turn could build their reputation and mark them out as candidates for leadership and promotion.

Science develops time management skills

We all know how important time management skills are in the workplace. Luckily, studying science will give your students plenty of opportunity to develop these skills, as they’ll need to manage the time they spend on practical tasks and written coursework.

Science makes you more decisive

One of the biggest life skills that science will teach your students is decisiveness. During their studies, students will learn to collect and analyse the available evidence before reaching a conclusion. And this process will allow them to make confident, informed decisions.

Science develops problem-solving skills

Problem-solving skills are really important and can mark students out as future leaders. Studying science will teach students to identify and articulate problems, select the variables that are most likely to affect the outcome and then methodically test solutions.

Science makes you a critical thinker

In science, students learn to critically evaluate information and question assumptions that are made. Importantly, they learn to make their own judgements based on the information in front of them. Not only is this an important skill to develop for their future careers, it’s also an important skill for all aspects of their lives.

Science develops IT skills and numeracy

Excellent IT and numeracy skills are essential in today’s job market and so it’s vital that students are leaving school having developed these to a high level. Of course, science is one of the best subjects for developing both.

Science makes you more methodical

Thanks to the methodical processes that science requires when conducting experiments and analysing results, studying science will make students more methodical. Being able to apply this to things like problem solving will make your students stand out as candidates for many jobs.

Science can earn you a higher salary!

Because all of these are sought-after skills and attributes, your decision to study science could help you to earn a higher salary!

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Our ‘Where Will Science Take You?’ poster shows your students the great variety of jobs that studying science can open up for them.

Inspire them with a science school trip abroad!

We offer some really exciting destinations for science school trips abroad, including Geneva, where you can visit CERN, and Orlando, where you can visit the Kennedy Space Center!

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information or to request your tailor-made quote.