15 October 2018

5 Ways to Boost Your School Trip with Vamoos

Once your itinerary is confirmed, we’ll send you your personal log in to the Vamoos app. This is provided in addition to your teacher’s pack, and there are some clever ways to use it to enhance your school trip.

Leave bulky, unnecessary paperwork in your hotel room

You’ll already have a lot to carry with you each day. Vamoos will allow you to leave anything that you won’t need for that particular day in your hotel room, as most of your trip documents will be stored on the app.

Have the itinerary to hand when you need it

If you want to just quickly remind yourself of the day’s itinerary, you don’t want to have to go rifling through a large pack of paper each time. So, having it on the app makes it really quick and easy to check.

View maps offline

Similarly to the itinerary, it’s so handy to have offline maps available on an app, so you can quickly work out where you are and where you’re going, without chewing up your data. Plus, points of interest relevant to your trip will already be pinpointed on the map, saving you precious time!

Share the countdown!

Get your students excited about your school trip by sharing a screenshot of the countdown on your trip/department/school’s Twitter. It sounds so simple, but we’ve seen more and more groups choose to do this and the response they get is always fantastic!

Get weather updates for your destination

It’s always handy to have an idea of what the weather might do, so the weather feature on the Vamoos app is an extremely useful one, especially if it can help you decide whether it’s safe to leave jackets on the coach and not risk a drenching!

And what do Group Leaders say?

It was useful for the itinerary and not having to get it out of our bags in a hard copy form when required.Mossbourne Victoria Park Academy, Sorrento, May 2018

This app was fantastic! Walking 39 students was made easy by a simple app. So clear as to where we were going.

Flint High School, Barcelona, June 2018

Very useful to be able to use maps offline and have itinerary to hand on your phone. Enfield Grammar School, Rhine, July 2018

Easy to use, clear and supportive having a data document to have on me at all times.

Hele’s School, Paris, July 2018

Having documentation on my phone and, particularly, the pin points on the maps (walking through Bonn to the Beethoven House especially), made walking a group of 70 easy.* Fernwood School, Rhine, July 2018