Our Team

Our People. Your Support Network.

Our dynamic team is made up of school travel specialists who are all passionate about the transformative power of school trips. They put their all into making sure your trip is everything you want it to be - and more.

They're a well-travelled bunch, so they'll know your destination really well. And many of them speak several languages, so they can make arrangements for you in the local language, avoiding any tricky misunderstandings. 

I love being able to help others experience the joys of travel. Being able to talk enthusiastically about places you have visited yourself is always a pleasure.

Learning & Development Manager

Zoe Campbell

I love being able to put together exciting packages to offer school groups the opportunity to do what they love while soaking up another culture.

Head of Sales & Product

Ben McCafferty

Travel has such huge potential to broaden our understanding and expand horizons. I was talking to the deputy head of a school who told me about a pupil of his who went on a trip to New York, having never previously left his own home town, and how he came back with a sense of how much the world has to offer and the drive to reach all the opportunities available to him. It was truly transformative.

Office Manager

Fiona Chalkley

I am a firm believer that travelling is one of the best forms of learning. Exposure to new cultures, new places and experiences is priceless! Being part of the process of making this possible for students is a real honour.

Contracts & Ski Coordinator

Roxana Stetco

My first job was as a rep with Halsbury working in the work experience department. This job gave me the opportunity to travel with groups abroad and share my love for different cultures, as I have always loved to greet new faces and serve them with my whole heart. Being a rep made me develop my passion for organising trips, and every day I try to use that experience with my groups, hoping they have the best experience and unforgettable memories.

Tour Coordinator

Maria Viedma

When you visit a new place, try a new food, and get to know a different culture than you are used to, something changes in you…forever. Working for Halsbury Travel allows me to pass on these emotions to the new generation, handing down to them the gift of discovering new horizons that generate change.

Tour Coordinator

Leonardo Giaschi

Having grown up and studied abroad, I understand how incredible it is to experience different cultures and how much of an impact travel can have on someone's life. It is so rewarding knowing that I can create unforgettable experiences and bring joy to children's lives, whilst utilising my passion and furthering my love for travel and tourism.

Tour Coordinator

Millie Snow

“Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell.” – Working with such amazing people at Halsbury to help create invaluable memories for the students is immensely rewarding to me.

Tour Coordinator

Maria Pollard

Nothing beats the experience of exploring somewhere new! Whether it’s in the UK or overseas, it’s always fun to have the chance to see and do things that you may not have considered before, and helping young people have the chance to do this is what makes working in school travel extra special.

Hotel Reservations Coordinator

Megan Maher

It was my school ski trip to France that inspired me to travel and go back to the same resort a few years later to work as a chalet rep. After many years abroad, I returned to the UK and feel lucky to work in a role that lets me create the same life changing experiences for students.

Tour Coordinator

Penny Spencer

I love being able to be a part of the planning behind a school trip to inspire children to embrace our world's different cultures, history and languages.

Tour Coordinator

Jordan Hatchard

I love to hear from the teachers after the trip that the students had an unforgettable experience. Its a chance for them embrace new cultures and form new perspectives on the world around them.

Commercial Manager

Luke Challoner

Travelling is the best life experience ever! I love organising trips that will create indelible memories that people cherish forever.

Tour Coordinator

Rosa Sampong

My favourite travel memory has to be when I watched 200 young singers perform at Disneyland Paris as part of a festival that I organised. I love creating inspirational music tours which allow young people to experience other cultures through music.

Accommodation Manager

Delphine Lock

I love that my job offers me opportunities to travel, as well as learn more about a variety of different topics through creating infographics and posters that I hope both students and teachers find useful and engaging!

Senior Designer & Photographer

Aleksandra Stepien