10 November 2022

Where will PE take you?

We’ve designed this poster to help your students see where sport and PE can take them.

We’ve designed this poster to help your students see where sport and PE can take them.

For students unlikely to become professional athletes, it may sometimes be difficult to see the point of sport and PE – but this is simply because they are unaware of the incredible opportunities that the subject can open up for them in terms of their future career.

We’ve designed this poster to help your students see where sport and PE can take them.

Download the poster!

For example, they may have considered the opportunity that PE offers to go into PE teaching or personal training, but what about the scientific side of sport, such as sports science, physiotherapy and nutrition?

Or perhaps they want to make a difference in their society? Well then, they may like to consider a career in sports policy, or even disability sports and inclusion?

And the physical attributes that PE can help them to develop could be really useful in careers within the military or firefighting.