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Under pressure to provide a school ski trip on a budget? Here are a few of our top tips on keeping costs down...
As the school holidays draw to a close and nights begin to draw in, every skiers mind turns to that first day back on the slopes...
Before you depart on your school ski trip, you will communicate with your students’ parents several times, whether it’s seeking parental permission or providing them...
When taking a group of students skiing, it is a good idea to make sure that they understand how to behave on the slopes, in order...
School Ski Trip Packing List For Teachers & Parents
Check out our list of essentials that everyone will need to keep them safe on the mountain.
How To Plan Your First School Ski Trip
Find out how to plan your first school ski trip.
The benefits of term-time skiing
Most of our groups travel around the February half term and Easter holidays
Your Complete Guide To Organising A School Ski Trip
Here's everything you need to know about arranging a ski trip for your school.
How to choose a suitable ski resort
The School Travel Forum's Ski Survey 2017 ranks ‘suitability for school groups’ as the number one factor when you’re choosing a resort for...
What Are the Benefits of School Ski Trips?
Learn more about the benefits of ski trips for students.
Apres-Ski Activities For School Groups
The importance of including fun, engaging après-ski activities is often downplayed but, here at Halsbury Ski, we are firm believers that well selected activities can...
Before you book your school ski trip, you want to be sure that the experience will be truly unforgettable for your students...
Your step-by-step guide to the ski trip booking process.
End of the Cold War Timeline Poster
To mark German Unity Day, which commemorates German reunification in 1990, we’ve created a timeline poster of the end of the Cold War, to help...
How Languages Help in Your Career
Want to encourage more students to take up languages at GCSE and A-Level? We’ve created this poster to help you show them that there...